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Best Treatments for Sciatica Pain

Written By Merivale Chiropractic and Massage Clinic on July 31, 2023

Sciatica pain

Sciatica pain can occur in the neck or lower back and can radiate down an arm or leg. It may come and go, or remain constant, preventing you from working, exercising, or taking part in hobbies. Merivale Chiropractic and Massage Clinic focuses on finding effective treatment for lower back pain and sciatica pain in Ottawa, Canada. If you’re tired of letting back pain and sciatica symptoms run your life, learn more about these chiropractic sciatica treatments. 

Chiropractic Adjustments

The goal of a chiropractic adjustment is to realign your spine to improve your balance and posture and improve the function of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments that support the spine. During a chiropractic adjustment, your chiropractor will gently manipulate your limbs, muscles, and spine. This realignment will relieve pressure on the sciatic nerve, eliminating symptoms of sciatica like lower back pain, numbness, tingling, radiating or burning back and leg pain, and difficulty with movement. 

Spinal Traction or Decompression Therapy

Spinal traction or decompression therapy is a non-surgical treatment option for back pain, sciatica pain, disc herniation, and disc degeneration. During the treatment, you will lie fully-clothed on a comfortable treatment table. Your chiropractor will control the table’s movements. As the table moves, your limbs and spine will be gently shifted back into alignment. This relieves pressure on the sciatic nerve, reduces pain and inflammation, increases mobility, and improves the flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients throughout the spine. 

Therapeutic Exercises and Stretches

In between visits to your chiropractor, they may recommend that you do at-home exercises and stretches. Therapeutic exercises and stretches make your muscles stronger and more limber, so they better support the spine. These exercises can reduce lower back pain and sciatica pain and make it easier to get up and move around. The longer you do these exercises, the more progress you’ll see. These exercises can also reduce the risk of future back pain. 

Get Safe, Effective Sciatica Treatment in Ottawa, Canada 

Don’t put up with another day of sciatica pain or back pain in Ottawa, Canada. Come see us at Merivale Chiropractic and Massage Clinic and get an official diagnosis for sciatica. Our experienced team can quickly assess your symptoms and develop a personalized chiropractic treatment plan that addresses your underlying condition. Our goal is to help each patient live a happy, healthy, pain-free life. Call us today to schedule an appointment.


Posted In: Sciatica Treatment